COVID-19 Coronavirus Protocol
Risk Management
Laboratory Systems Group will identify if there is a risk to the health of all employees by determining exposure to COVID-19 at their workplace, we will do this by:
- Monitoring expert advice by Australian Government bodies.
- Review infection control policies, procedures and practices.
- Educate all employees on new information with regular Email updates and staff meetings.
- Restrict all non-essential travel and meetings
Control Measures
Laboratory Systems Group will eliminate or minimise risks. The type of control measures required depends on the level of risk:-
- Provide products to allow employees to maintain good hygiene practices.
- Advising any employees to self-isolate at home for 14 days if:-
- In the last 14 days if they have been in any foreign countries listed by the Department of Health & Human Services.
- They have been in contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19
- If the employee is experiencing flu-like symptoms regardless if they have travelled overseas or had close contact with a confirmed case, the employee must NOT attend work and seek medical advice.
If an employee thinks they may be at risk of infection of carrying COVID-19
- The employee must raise this with their Manager immediately.
- Laboratory Systems Group will ask the employee to seek medical clearance.
- If the employee/s are not fit for work due to contracting the COVID-19 they should remain isolated for 14 days.
Laboratory Systems Group employees have increased the level of personal hygiene in our office including:
- On arrival and departure of the office using alcohol based hand sanitiser.
- Always washing hands with soap and water before eating and after visiting the bathroom.
- Covering their nose and mouth when coughing sneezing and disposing of tissues immediately.
- Avoiding close contact with anyone whom has cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Avoid all physical interaction, including shaking hands, hugging or kissing.
- Social distancing—at least 1.5 metres away from others if possible and staggering break times.
- Reduce meetings and or have meetings outdoors if practical.
Thank you for your co-operation and support.
Max Arbrew Vicki Arbrew
Director Director